Thanksgiving is my absolute favorite holiday because it's about family. The Man keeps trying to move Christmas shopping season up but I refuse to take away from Thanksgiving.
I've been cooking Thanksgiving since 1999, when my Nana became too sick to do it. She had dementia. We had a small dinner that year. In 2000, I had a newborn stronaut in the Snugli when I cooked. In 2001, Thanksgiving came early like it did this year. It was Astronaut's first real one and my Nana's last; she died three days later.
Enough about the Thanksgivings of yore. Let's talk about this year. It was much smaller than usual because my mom went to California to spend it with my baby brother. He's in the USAF and couldn't come home. My other two little brothers came over. My oldest brother came alone. My niece and nephews each went with a member of his wife's family and she stayed home. No non family came.
It was great! We ate and watched a movie and sang songs and watched the Cowboys get embarrassed. Still watching this travesty. (I love my team, but really? )
The menu was standard: turkey, giblet gravy, dressing, rice, collard greens, black eyed peas, macaroni and cheese, and rolls. And red velvet cake, dairy/egg free chocolate cake, coconut pie, and apple crabberry cobbler.
Yes, that is small by our standards.
Before we ate, we held hands and Astronaut said the grace. Then, starting with Side Salad, we each shared something we are thankful for this year. When it got to Popcorn, everyone said "Milk! "
Anywho, Happy Thanksgiving!
Does your family have any Thanksgiving traditions? What was on your plate?