Thursday, February 14, 2013

A bowl of delicious

I like potatoes. This is evidenced by my generous curves.  I also like to try new recipes.  Plus, cooking from scratch allows me to control what's in the food-which is vital when you have a child with food anaphylaxis.

I picked up some leeks the other day on a whim and the first recipe that came up when I googled was this potato and leek soup. I love potatoe soups in general and I had most of the ingredients so I gave it a whirl.

Dear Baby Jesus,  thank you for Google.

It was AH-MAZING.   It also smelled absolutely divine!

I made a few changes-no white pepper ot white wine, because I had none. I also added garlic because I love it so. I also separated some for Princess before adding the cream. I tried to take step by step pics but after a while I stopped.

I attempted to control portions by serving it in mugs but that just caused my family to forgo spoons and drink it.  It was that good.

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