Sunday, January 15, 2012

A Romp in the Forest [the Squirrel’s labor story]

My 3rd pregnancy was a bit of a shock. I was 23 years old, and Lettuce and I had been together for a short time and had recently moved in together.  I discovered I was pregnant fairly quickly. 
Constipation is a big problem for me in my pregnancies and I tend to develop heinous hemorrhoids.  They were especially horrible during this pregnancy and I ended up having minor surgery to remove them completely.  I actually lost my job but was able to find another, better one that offered great benefits. I went from fast food to the corporate world.
As I had just gotten this job that raised our standard of living (I was making nearly twice as much money), I was concerned about how my pregnancy and labor would affect it.  I decided to be induced on my due date.  I had packed on over 40 pounds during this pregnancy. My OB estimated my little one would be around 8 pounds or so. I didn’t agree.  She seemed to move too much.  The other kids were merely squirming by the end of my pregnancies. She was still kicking. 
I went to the hospital about 6 or 7 am on a Monday morning. They started my induction around 10-ish with Pitocin. I figured this one would progress quickly as the last two had gone fairly fast.  I was wrong. I labored all day, though it wasn’t uncomfortable. I was given an epidural early on, around 4 or 5 cm.  My water broke around 6 cm. Meanwhile, we all watched Dave Chappelle with my nurse on the room’s DVD player. I brought The Simpsons Movie with me, too, but my doc decided it was push time.  It was about 6 pm. Around 20 minutes later, I had a 6 lb 13 oz little girl.  She was half an inch longer than her big sister, measuring 18 ½ inches long but she was absolutely a tiny little fairy. My husband’s great aunt referred to her as a 5 lb bag of sugar. She was a fussy little thing and we had a bit of difficulty nursing, mostly due to her smaller mouth but we made it.
GA: 40 weeks 
Weight: 6 lbs 13 oz
Length: 18 ½ in
Length of labor: Approximately 8-9 hours
Interventions: induction/epidural

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