I don't know why you don't get rest, Mommy, but I sure do! |
I have been having a lot of leaking lately so I decided to try to save some of that milk. I'd rather save it than marinate in it. The first time, I hand expressed after nursing and got about 20 cc from each side. Today, I got about 30 cc on one side while she nursed on the other. It's not a lot, but I put it in some Lansinoh bags and froze it.
t |
That's her "I'm ready to nurse" face. |
Avent Isis Manual |
So let's talk pumping. With the first two kids, I didn't pump. I didn't have pump money. They can be expensive, as I'm sure you know. I vaguely remember trying a Medela with no success. I hand expressed a little for the Astronaut, but my mother ended up bringing him to me to nurse. I know that sounds crazy but I worked super close to our house.
With Squirrel, I knew I was only going to be home for 6 weeks. I began pumping after about 2 weeks and we introduced a bottle at that time. I am a heavy chested mama (about an F-yes F as in frog-cup) so the flanges of the pumps were an issue with me. The flange is the part where you put your breast. I decided to go with Avent for several reasons.
- I'd heard they were easier for bigger mamas.
- It came with a nice carrying bag.
- Avent nipples are wider, more like my nipples, so I figured it would be an easier transition.
- The price was right. It was less than $50, not too big of an investment if I couldn't use it.
But it was hard.
Pumping is so hard and I truly respect the pumping mamas. I nursed first thing in the morning before work, I pumped on my lunch break at work (my job had a lactation room), which was very lonely business. I nursed as soon as I got home. I pumped every night. I was worn out and my supply diminished. There's nothing like baby to breast. In hindsight, maybe I could have used some fennel or Mother's Milk Tea to help me keep my supply up. I was also depending on a manual pump for some pretty high volume pumping. I probably should have upgraded to electric for her.
Avent Isis IQ Uno |
With Side Salad, I was a full time student. I went back to school when he was 12 days old. Initially, I took him with me, but he was the cutest distraction. Plus, I had a professor who was uncomfortable with my breastfeeding. Yes, she was a woman. Besides, I was only paying tuition for me, not the kid. I was only gone a few hours at a time so he took a bottle if necessary, but mostly he slept during my class time. I Supgraded to an Avent Isis IQ-about $150 4 years ago-which is the electric version of my pump. It allowed me to customize the pumping action so it wasn't yanking my nipples off. I could make the suction as gentle as I needed it to be. I did not use the petal massager because my breast fit better without it. I told you, I'm a bigger girl. We ended up with a freezer full of milk. I was able to go on a cruise without him. He was about 18 months old at the time. He had plenty of milk and I pumped while I was gone to keep my supply up. I loved my pump. As you know, Side Salad self weaned around 21 months. I put the pump parts somewhere random and now I can't find the flange, though I have all the other parts.
Now I want to pump as a precautionary measure. Worst case scenario, we use the milk to make her cereal when she starts solids. Of course, we're team Avent again.
Soon as I can find a flange.
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