Thursday, August 23, 2018

24 Hours with a Newborn Part 1

I haven't blogged in a week. I am adjusting to life with 6 kids and recuperating.  I was laying in bed last night when I came up with the idea of blogging what 24 hours with Lil Fish & Co is like.  She's  11 days old today, so still a newborn.

9:47 am: Wake up to the smell of Lil Fish's diaper. Surprise-she is on our bed. I need to use the bathroom and I want her to sleep like 5 more minutes.
9:55 am: Looked at my reflection in the dirty mirror. Admired my milk stains.  There are at least six; they overlap. Thought about cleaning bathroom.
9:56 am: Baby was not asleep. She looked at me while I changed wet/poopy diaper.

10:00 am: Tried to wake up MechanicBae and then Princess.  I think she has a live lesson at 11 am but I'm not sure because I'm not sure what day it is.
10:04 am: Gave baby to her Papa and set up living room to be my base for the day. Diapers, wipes, onesie, socks, bib, receiving blanket, swaddle, nursing pillow, and baby box.
10:20 am: I was fixing yogurt parfaits for Princess and me when I heard the baby crying and her daddy asking her if she's hungry.  Duh.
10:22 am: Fed baby. Right side first.
(10:37 am: Switched sides and thought about giving her a bath)
10:46 am: Swaddled her and put her down.
10:47 am: Baby wakes up and wiggles out of swaddle. To be fair, it was a garbage swaddle. I used a receiving blanket and bn left her legs out. Picked her up and sang and danced with her for a while.
11:07 am: Laid her down in her Snuggle Me Lounger and made up my bed.
11:11 am: Made a wish. Tried to finish breakfast coffee.
11:20 am: Baby fussed so I picked her up.
11:23 am: She was wet so I changed her.
11:28 am: Milky time.  She only nursed on the left and for only 10 minutes so #issasnack. She's sleep so I scroll FB, log into my Young Living account and update my order, and order car parts for the shop on eBay.
12:10 pm: MechanicBae walks in with Chickfila for lunch.
12:11 pm: Lil Fish wakes up ready to eat. She stares in my face to compensate for making me wait to eat.  I don't mind. I sing to her.
12:25 pm: She's ASLEEP! I need to eat, use the bathroom, and shower but her diaper is wet.  I change her quick and put her in her own bed to sleep.

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