Tuesday, August 14, 2018

She is here!

It all started with a text from MechanicBae's mom.

She sent it Sunday morning, early, and I decided to take her up on it. I got dressed, put on my contacts, and did my make up. I also extended the invite to the crew-threebbn of them opted to go.

At church, I noticed my contractions were getting...annoying. I timed a few and they were about 10-15 minutes apart, but not super strong. The sermon went on and the pastor randomly said, "That baby you're carrying will be born today!"
{Now let me pause for a moment. I know he didnt mean a literal baby but I was shooketh.}
Princess, MB's mom, and I were like, "nooooo," and laughed it off.
After church, Cracker Barrel for lunch and then home.
I'd stopped timing contractions by then. I planned to go swimming but I decided to nap first but I couldn't sleep. I was restless and tired at the same time. Princess got in my bed and napped like a pro.
Relaxing with my belly

At about 5, I thought about cooking dinner. It was then I realized the contractions were getting strong. I started considering my situation/options: MB was at work. I am full term (almost 40 weeks). I tested positive for Group B Strep. I have precipitous labors. I decided to head to L&D, just in case and while I could still drive. Worst case scenario, I go home and go back to the doc Tuesday and induced Wednesday.

I got to L&D around 7:30ish and Princess said my contractions were 4-5 min apart. I didn't really believe her because I didn't want to believe her. However, I just have looked "labor-y" because a stranger took off running for a wheelchair when she saw me.
Let me add a little info. When I have a contraction, it is insane but as soon as it's over, I'm normal. So they nursed were concerned at first, then mildly puzzled when the contraction stopped. They decided to check me.
5 cm and 90% effaced.
$#!+ just got real.
They put in an IV immediately but tbh, pain was only a 4. Then, at 8:10pm, I heard/felt/sensed a POP. I thought it was a big kick at first but quickly realized my water had broken. As soon as I changed positions, the whole bed was flooded. All that extra amniotic fluid made quite a mess. I actually flooded the bed twice. My bad.
MB and Smoo arrived. I made a few Marco Polos and send some texts. They checked me again (6cm) and hit my IV with a little happy juice.
I made a FB post around 10.
Why is he writing on the board?

Then it got real. The contractions moved closer together and became intense. I turned into a crybaby asked for an epi. Now my brain was telling me it was almost over and to chill but the pain told me to get the needle. They checked me again and I was 8cm but baby was high up. Again, brain told me the epi window was closed but they still called for the anesthesiologist.

Then something happened. I PROMISE I wasn't pushing but I could feel the baby coming. I told them something was happening. They peeked and saw hair. MB said he thought they were joking.

No one was joking.

They grabbed my legs and pushed them into position. The anesthesiologist walked it. It was cool. She said she liked babies. I pushed exactly zero times. My body was on auto pilot so I let it do its thing and on Sunday, August 12, 2018, at 10:37 pm, my sweet girl made her appearance! She is 7lbs 1 oz and 20in long. Her very proud daddy cut her cord. Zero pushes. Zero stiches. No interventions, save 1 dose of antibiotics and 1 of nubaine. Delivered 3 hours after arriving at the hospital .

Hello, sweet girl 

Proud papa

Getting loved on by big sis while Mommy has post-labor Rush's. 

She is beautiful. She is perfect. We love her.

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