Friday, August 24, 2018

24 Hours with a Newborn Part 2

When we last left off, Lil Fish was down for a nap and I was pondering my next move: bathroom,  shower, lunch-in that order. Even cold Chickfila is amazing.

1:00 pm: I took a long shower and washed my hair which improved my looks and mood by 17%. Thought about hiring a house cleaner. Groupon has some deals. After I got out, I scheduled the baby's 1 month appointment.

2:43 pm: Changer a wet diaper. Took the little one on a short walk around our building. Gotta get that vitamin D.

2:55 pm: Elementary kids are home! Told them to eat an apple or banana for snack.

3:04 pm: Feed the baby and open mail. I got packages! A couple from Amazon with cleaning and school supplies, my nursing bras from Bambooies, aaaaannndddd a #WalmartBabyBox :-(

3:30 pm: Took living room rug outside to clean it with this new Woolite stuff I got.

4:05 pm: Realized that I've been sitting on the couch quietly and doing nothing for some time. I should clean the bathroom or start dinner but I need a minute. Maybe I should take a nap.

4:22 pm: Feed the baby. Then she took a nap with her bro.

4:50 pm: Rug still isn't quite right so treat again.

5:30 pm: Start dinner. My new rule is, if it takes more than 30 minutes,  I'm cooking something else.  Tonight, it's lemon garlic tilapia, spaghetti with garlic and olive oil, broccoli,  and croissants.

6:07 pm: Dinner is plated and on the table. I scarf down 2 croissants and feed the baby.  And myself. I'm hungry

6:33 pm: Laid her down in her own bed. Danced to "Moo" by Doja Cat.  Then, had a full on dance party with the big girls, featuring aaliyah, Ciara, and Beyonce, with a lil Migos and Cardi.

8:24 pm: Gave Lil Fish her first bath. She didn't wake up when I put her in the water. She fussed a little when I washed her face.
She was super chill afterwards.

Then, of course, fed the baby. 

11ish pm: Fed the baby.

Everything got a little fuzzy after that but I got my FitBit data. It says I slept from 11:20 pm to 6:20 am.

 I remember her eating twice but I don't know what time. Looks like a 12:30ish feed and a 5:30ish feed.  There may be another in the middle. Little one was next to me so neither of us fully woke up for night feedings (#reasonstobreastfeed) and I got the best sleep I have had since she was born-6 whole hours!

6:32 am: Fed the baby after her daddy changed her. Went back to sleep.

9:47 am: Diaper and feeding again. Woke up MechanicBae. 

Time to do it all again.

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