Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Back on the sauce

My iron is chronically low but this pregnancy caused it to plummet.  A little background: complications with my previous birth control decimated my iron levels.  They never fully recovered over the past 2 years.  It appears that I don't absorb iron efficiently through my stomach. Additionally,  iron supplements both nauseated and constipate me.  No fun.

I'd been able to keep my iron at the lower end of respectable for the others but this little bugger had me below 8 which concerned my docs and left me achy, cranky, and exhausted. We're talking waking up ready for a nap. Taking a nap before bed.  Barely able to cook or fold laundry.   Being a crappy mom.

So today, I'm having my 4th iron infusion
 At last check, my iron was a smidgen over 9 but they want it higher so here we are.
Looks like soy sauce...I am hungry.

Needles in,  time to begin.

This is NOT my favorite thing.  I hate needles.  And it feels so weird going into my vein, cold.  Plus, what if I had a run in with Magneto-he could use this extra iron as a weapon against me! That's a valid concern, right? 

But to paraphrase Tommy Pickles, "A mommy's gotta do what a mommy's gotta do!"

The plus side is 2 quiet hours! I usually watch "Arrested Development" until I fall asleep (the process takes a couple of hours) but my son wants me to read this book.
He read it while in Germany last month.  I'm a quick reader and I have 2 more infusions after this so that is what I'll do. As I keep watch for errant mutants. By the way, which mutant do you most worry about encountering?