Thursday, March 29, 2012

Updates! [a long, rambly type post]

It's been a while since I blogged  but I have legitimate reasons:

1. I haven't been blogging because I've been moving!  Yay! We'd been in our apartment for almost 5 years. Now I will be honest, our new home is a bit smaller but it's also cheaper. The kids love their new school.  Their beloved media specialist from their old school is there as are some kids who sometimes attend our

2. I also didn't have internet because we'd just moved.  Now, I've got internet.  Yay for me!

3. I now have a router. I do most of my internet-ing from my room, but the modem is in the living room AKA Kiddie Land.  I got me a router for bout $40 from Best Buy and my house is a wireless zone.

Now I've resolved all these issues :)

Now for the news you were waiting for:

Baby Popcorn is not here yet. 

Today is my original due date. My due date based on the U/S is Sunday. My midwives and I think it might be soon, as early as today or tomorrow, but you never know.

This week, I've done so many fun things. Monday, I went to see the Hunger Games. It was one of the best book-to-movie adaptations EVER!  I loved it. And yes, I did cry when Rue died.  I wasn't the only one.   Tuesday, I took Side Salad to the zoo and out for Chinese. Wednesday, I had my 39 week prenatal visit. I've been walking and drinking my teas. I don't do the castor oil or all that madness so we'll just have to wait it out a bit.  I'll blog more soon.

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